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Anne... La maison aux pignons verts

Anne... La maison aux pignons verts

Item#/ISBN: 9781443173919

Price: $20.99

Language: French



By:Mariah Marsden

Translated Title:Anne ... The Green Gables

Publisher:EĢditions Scholastic

Subject:graphic novel


The magic of L.M. Montgomery's masterpiece is reinvented in this beautiful comic perfect for new readers who know Anne less well ... The Green Gables House or the real lovers of the classic novel. When Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert decide to adopt an orphan to help them take care of the family farm, they have no idea of the ups and downs that await them. With her red hair and indomitable imagination, Anne Shirley takes the field of green gables by storm! The girl's misadventures bring a touch of romance to the lives of people who share her daily life. From triumphant excitement to the depths of despair, Anne transforms every moment into an unforgettable moment. 231 pages, 23cm

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