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Manual de escritura competitiva

Manual de escritura competitiva

Item#/ISBN: 9786073176330

Price: $21.95

Language: Spanish


By:Elena Bazan




n these current times where writing is the essence of your work, and your academic and social life, those who don’t write properly and correctly will not be competitive or taken seriously by those who participate in their same network and environment. In our current fast-paced world of scientific, social, labor, technological, and cultural transformations, we are speaking less face-to-face and more through the screen, therefore writing means everything! In order to show off a competitive writing style you must have good writing skills, as well as great texts that can stand out among the many texts that surround us every day. How to get others to read what you put out there; to excel in school or at work; to get people to follow you on social media; to read you when your message reaches their inbox; to get them to consider you for the job interview; or to make that ad you placed, pop . . . To be prepared to write a good text, be it brief or long, makes all the difference on if your message goes unnoticed or stands out. With a dynamic, fun, and very clear style, this book offers you the keys to competitive writing: style, vocabulary, corrections, spelling, grammar, and much more.

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