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Fuego y Furia

Fuego y Furia

Item#/ISBN: 9780525564287

Price: $20.95

Language: Spanish


By:Michael Wolff

Translated Title:Fire and fury


Subject:Domestic politics


With extraordinary access to the West Wing, Michael Wolff reveals what happened behind-the-scenes in the first nine months of the most controversial presidency of our time. Since Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States, the country-- and the world-- has witnessed a stormy, outrageous, and absolutely mesmerizing presidential term that reflects the volatility and fierceness of the man elected Commander-in-Chief. This riveting and explosive account of Trump's administration provides a wealth of new details about the chaos in the Oval Office. Never before in history has a presidency so divided the American people. Brilliantly reported and astoundingly fresh, [this book] shows us how and why Donald Trump has become the king of discord and disunion. Description: 384 pages ; 20 cm.

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