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4 3 2 1

4 3 2 1

Item#/ISBN: 9783499271137

Price: $46.95

Language: German



By:Paul Auster

Translated Title:4 3 2 1

Publisher:ROWOHLT Taschenbuch

Subject:fic; novel


Archibald Ferguson is the youthful hero of Paul Auster's latest novel, and he comes to it four times - in four cleverly interwoven variations of his life, true to the motto: What would have happened if ...? Thus, Auster designs a grandiose, epic portrait of the second half of the 20th century in America, full of adventure, love, life struggles and the blows of an unpredictable fate. "4 3 2 1" is a fascinating, overwhelming mind-set and a highlight of Auster's oeuvre. 1,264 pages, 22cm

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