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Diccionario del estudiante. Secundaria y Bachillerato

Diccionario del estudiante. Secundaria y Bachillerato

Item#/ISBN: 9788430618019

Price: $43.95

Language: Spanish


By:Real Academia Espanola


Subject:Dictionaries, References


The most current and up-to-date dictionary backed by the Royal Academy of SpanishLanguages.This second edition adds a series of new words and meanings as well as updatedacademic orthographical norms.Over 40 thousand words and phrases representative of today’s Spanish-speakingpopulation. The most commonly used Anglicism’s.Clear and precise definitions, written in easy-to-understand terms. Numerousexamples of use. Information on basic grammar and pronunciation of challengingwords.The most frequently used synonyms and related terms. Principal abbreviations andacronyms.Includes a completely updated appendix with the current orthographical academicnorms.

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