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El metodo Obama

El metodo Obama

Item#/ISBN: 9786073178327

Price: $14.95

Language: Spanish


By:Rupert T. Swan

Publisher:Debolsillo Clave

Subject:Interpersonal communication


Apply Barack Obama’s success strategies to your everyday life. The campaign that brought Barack Obama, an African American son of an immigrant, to occupy the presidency of the United States was extraordinarily focused on communication to such a degree that broke any previously existing norms. The Obama Method is a practical guide that, in one hundred brief chapters, details the way in which the “Kennedy of the 21st century” conveyed his message: from the importance of rhetoric, the attention paid to his image, his domain of protocol (even when he was breaking it), how to reaffirm his identity, how to lead the masses, and mainly, how to develop personal charisma. With this guidance, we will be able to build an effective communicative strategy in order to achieve success in our personal and professional lives. We will be able to apply them in everyday situations such as a job interview, a public presentation or speech, or even on a date.

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