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Item#/ISBN: 9785171134624

Price: $42.95

Language: Russian



By:MaƂecki, Jakub

Subject:Novel, Historical fiction


Jan Labendowicz refuses to help a German woman fleeing Poland in the mid-1940s, and she curses him. Soon, Jan has a son: a boy with snow-white skin and equally white hair. Meanwhile, the lives of other parents are changed by the explosion of a grenade left over from the war. And soon the stories of the two families are forever united when a girl, mutilated in a fire, and an albino, seeing the river of the dead, meet. This is how the "Tremor" begins, a large-scale saga covering almost the entire 20th century, from the late 1930s to the mid-2000s, which reflected the entire history of Eastern Europe in recent decades, and the eternal questions of life and death are intertwined with harsh realism, shrill lyricism, psychological thriller and dark mysticism. This is how the novel begins, which has become one of the most high-profile discoveries of Polish literature in recent years.

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