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El hombre amansado

El hombre amansado

Item#/ISBN: 9788439738756

Price: $17.95

Language: Spanish



By:Horacio Castellanos Moya

Publisher:Literatura Random House

No of pages:144 Pages


Erasmo Aragón suffers an abrupt shift in his life when he loses his job after being falsely accused of sexual abuse. The strain triggered by this incident drives him to bury his memories. Subdued by his anti-anxiety medication, he leaves behind the disinhibited man he once was and transforms into a paranoid tortured being in a constant state of alertness. During his rediscovery, he will meet Joselin, a nurse working at the psychiatric clinic where he receives treatment, and to whom he clings on to like a red-hot nail. In order to sever all connections to his past, Erasmo starts a new life in Sweden by her side, buried under an avalanche of discontent and dependence.

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