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Gdzie spiewajaa raki

Gdzie spiewajaa raki

Item#/ISBN: 9788382896541

Price: $51.90

Language: Polish



By:Delia Owens

Translated Title:Where the crawdads sing

Literary Genres:Fiction

Publisher:Swiat Ksiazki

Subject:Abandoned children

No of pages:414 pages


In Barkley Cove, a town off the coast of North Carolina, everyone has heard rumors of a Swamp Girl. At the end of 1969, the body of Chase Andrews was found in the swamps, which was immediately linked to the famous Swamp Girl. For many years, Kya lived alone in the swamps that became her home. Although she missed the closeness of others, the young girl learned to cope with nature. She made friends with seagulls and tried to learn from nature. However, as she grew older, her beauty began to catch the eye. The mysterious Swamp Girl caught the interest of two young men. "Where Crayfish Sing" is a touching story about great loneliness. The girl, misunderstood by society, only wants someone's love and closeness. Could the rumors about her turn out to be true?

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