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Samrat Prithviraj

Samrat Prithviraj

Item#/ISBN: 8902797661049

Price: $24.95

Language: Hindi

Starring:Akshay Kumar, Manushi Chhillar



Directed by:Chandraprakash Dwivedi

Duration:135 mins


Samrat Prithviraj opens in a gladiator-like setting in Ghazi, Afghanistan where a frail, blinded Samrat Prithviraj (Akshay Kumar) is seen exhibiting his valour as he locks horns with ferocious lions. A crowd of spectators along with Sultan Mohammad Ghori (Manav Vij) hold their breath and watch this display of raw masculinity and bravura. The period drama then hits the rewind button and takes us through some chapters from Samrat Prithviraj's life. Right from the First Battle Of Tarrain where he had his adversary Mohammad Ghori at his feet to how this 'last Hindu king' had to face defeat and then, ultimately death owing to a betrayal.

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