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Soupers végé en 5 ingrédients, 15 minutes

Soupers végé en 5 ingrédients, 15 minutes

Item#/ISBN: 9782896588107

Price: $43.95

Language: French



By:Caty Bérubé

Translated Title:Veggie suppers in 5 ingredients, 15 minutes

Publisher:Pratico pratiques

Subject:non-fic; cookbook


Bringing together more than 135 simple and fast recipes, the book Soupers Vegé in 5 ingredients, 15 minutes offers an extraordinary selection of delicious meals without meat! Whether it's changing time to time or adopting a vegetarian diet more regularly, we offer healthy, simple and economical meatless meal solutions! With ideas of vegetarian dishes full of flavor and fullness, the book will help you discover or rediscover new sources of protein, in addition to the happiness of the whole family! 306 pages, 26x21 cm

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