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Wölfe an der Côte d'Azur

Wölfe an der Côte d'Azur

Item#/ISBN: 9783462051223

Price: $28.95

Language: German



By:Christine Cazon

Translated Title:Wolves on the Côte d'Azur

Publisher:Kiepenheuer & Witsch

Subject:fic; murder, mystery


Quarrel between animal rights activists and shepherds: Léon Duval investigates in the mountains. The 5th case of the popular France crime thriller by Christine Cazon leads Léon Duval, commissioner from the southern French city of Cannes, into the harsh world of the French Maritime Alps in the hinterland of the Côte d'Azur. Actually, he just wanted to spend a few days skiing there with his children and girlfriend Annie. But then Annie receives a message and a disturbing photo sent. The remains of a missing reported man were found near Duval's resort. Was it murder or was he rumored to be the victim of a wolf attack? This would suit the wolf opponents, the shepherds in the mountains and most of the villagers, but not the conservationists, the tourism managers and the rangers protecting the wolf in the Mercantour National Park. Soon, Duval realizes that the subject of Wolf holds a lot of potential for conflict. The gendarmerie, which determines on site, remains silent. Annie and Duval start to research on their own. Is there a part of the truth in vernal Cannes? 328 pages, 19cm

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