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La emoción de aprender: Historias inspiradoras de escuela, familia y vida / The Excitement of Learning: Inspiring Stories of School, Family, and Life

La emoción de aprender: Historias inspiradoras de escuela, familia y vida / The Excitement of Learning: Inspiring Stories of School, Family, and Life

Item#/ISBN: 9788401019401

Price: $23.95

Language: Spanish


By:Cesar Bona

Publisher:Plaza Janes

Subject:Family & Relationships


“A journey toward diversity; a reflection about success, failure, and the expectations that condition children and adolescents and about how we can give them the potential to create their own future.” What is success for you? And failure? And if you think of children, how would you answer? When you look at those around you, do you consider yourself free of prejudice? Are there certain beliefs that distort your way of seeing life? As teachers, many things weren’t taught to us in university. As parents, we learn by trial and error. Empathy is a game that has to be practiced every day, and that doesn’t mean leaving behind who you are but rather approaching who the other person is and what they feel. In the world, there are nearly 8 billion people, and each one is different from the others. Differences are valuable, not inconvenient. When we understand that, we will start to see life in a different way, with the richness that diversity offers. In this book, you will find inspiring stories that invite reflection about all of these topics and about the way we view those around us. “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see,” said Thoreau. And each word, each gesture, counts. 304 pages

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