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Ma forse un dio

Ma forse un dio

Item#/ISBN: 9788860528629

Price: $38.95

Language: Italian



By:Alberto Cavanna

Translated Title:But maybe a god

Publisher:Cairo Publishing

Subject:fic; historical fiction


1933, XI year of the fascist era. Ettore Sbarra, son of illiterate peasants of the Lunigiana, is a Balilla. Anna Della Seta, daughter of Jewish emiliani transferred to La Spezia to work on arms factories, a Piccola Italiana. The one in which the two boys grow up is the country of consensus, of the overwhelming indoctrination, of the bombastic rhetoric, of the racial laws and of the mad race towards the conflict. When war breaks out, Ettore enthusiastically enlist in the Militia and voluntary part, while Anna lives the hard struggle against the loss of dignity of her people, between the bombardments and the discrimination that day after day tightens like a noose around her loved ones . Their destinies are touched a moment after September 8, but are thrown away from the precipitate of events: the war for Ettore, who enters the Decima Mas, and the deportation to Auschwitz for Anna. Their lives are touched again in '46, in the port of La Spezia, when the Apocalypse is now complete, both waiting to go far, pursued by a past to forget. Exodus, like the Biblical Exodus, is the name of the operation that will lead to a new beginning the escaped Nazi fury. The Ligurian city, known in history as the Porta di Sion, is its nerve center. There are many ships that will leave for the Promised Land. And it is a sort of universal judgment, for those who salt and those who remain on the ground, each with their own ghosts and gestures made to be forgiven. Because Evil, however big, can be crossed, left behind. Like the sea. 249 pages, 21cm

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