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Portuguese Adult Books

July 2017

Best selling Portuguese adult books are now available for your library system. We have a good selection of fiction and non-fiction books by Portuguese authors as well as popular translations.

Item#/ISBN : 9788535926378
Price : $32.95
Language : Portuguese
Year : 2017
Subject : Fiction
By : Julian Fuks
Translated Title : NIL
Description : My brother is adopted, but I can not and I do not want to say that my brother is adopted. "Sebastian writes in the first line, narrator of this novel. Like in several works that thematic about the Dirty War the regime of terror inaugurated in 1976 in Argentina, The resistance goes by the personal and national memory. Sebastien and his younger son, and his adopted brother, the firstborn of a couple of Argentinean psychoanalysts who soon seek exile in Brazil. Parents know well theories about adopted and biological children (Winnicott, in particular), but life is different from the specialized bibliography. It is then up to the narrator to examine this violent past and rewrite the familiar plot. The result, a prose at a lyric and rehearsal time, reminiscent of beautiful platinum movies like The Secret in Their Eyes.

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We are glad to carry Portuguese adult and children's books from Brazil and Portugal. Please let us know if you have any specific requirements. Please check out our collection of World Language books on our website at! We have a diverse selection of DVDs for all ag es, and bilingual books in almost every language for children!Please check out our collection of World Language books on our website at! We have a diverse selection of DVDs for all ages, and bilingual books in almost every language for children!

If you are interested in purchasing a set of books, please check out our Language Set pricing and bundling options by clicking here. Our Language selectors will follow your specifications and ensure your expectations are met! We are here to help you find the best material for your patrons.

Have a wonderful day!

Rakesh Kumar
Multicultural Books & Videos


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